
See what others say about our coaching, food packs & more!


From our Nutrition Coach clients

“I enjoy our discussions. It starts out like I am talking to an old friend and then takes a turn and provides useful advice. I look forward to a few new recipes to improve my overall nutrition.”


“I’ve had sessions with other nutrition professionals in the past, but you have just surpassed their knowledge.”


“This was a life-changing experience – I am now watching what goes into my body and keeping on task with my exercise routine. It changed my habits and it’s going to stay this way.”


“THANK YOU CATHY!!! Thank you for the positive feedback recommendations guidance and for helping me through this process! This continues to be life changing and I couldn’t be more grateful!!!”


“This plan has been more successful than any other plan because I am changing habits. My husband is also now on board and my friends are asking me what I am doing.”  


“This was a life-changing experience – I am now watching what goes into my body and keeping on task with my exercise routine. It changed my habits and it’s going to stay this way.”


“We’ve learned so much from you about how to treat our bodies well with the food that we eat.” 


“Thanks again for all of your help!! Your coaching mattered to me!”


“My week has been great! I reduced my portion sizes of rice. Increased lentils to feel fuller and eating at least two fruits a day.  I am eating a handful of carrots for snacks. I’m also doing deep breathing practice, yoga and meditation.  I feel so good!!”


“These sessions have been life-changing. Not only for me but my extended family and friends as well.  I’ve shared a lot with them.”


Q) How has your coach helped to develop or reinforce your personal health? 

A) “Normalizing my concerns giving me hope for change”


“Cathy, I successfully biked my first “century” yesterday. Though my legs got sore at about 90 miles, at no time did I feel low on energy nor did I “bonk”. Thanks for your guidance on improved nutritional strategies for long bike rides.”


“Cathy’s coaching has had a tremendous cumulative effect on my eating habits and health results. The information she’s provided has been effective in guiding me to be more mindful about my food and eating choices and combined with consistent exercise (walking) I’ve lost weight and feel better mentally and physically.”


“I bring you up all the time and the advice you gave me. I think my friends and families are getting sick of hearing about it, ha ha!”


“I feel so great! I used to have a lot of headaches – now I don’t even need to take ibuprofen anymore. BIG win!! I have more energy and feel healthy!!”


I would give you a 10 out of 10! When I first started, I thought I would only have a few sessions with you. Then when you started imparting all your knowledge, I wanted to keep going! If you’re ever in Winnipeg, you have a place to stay!”


“I didn’t know as much as I thought I did about all the categories of foods.  You taught me so much!”


“Thank you SO MUCH! You are such a great coach and I could not have done this without you! I learned so much from you!”


“I’ve been sharing what I learned in these sessions with my entire family and they are now making changes too! We are reading labels together at the grocery store and trying new plant-based recipes. The movement is spreading within my family and it’s so much fun!”


“I’ve learned more about nutrition in talking with you over the past 6 months than I have my entire life – it’s kind of a sham.” 


“For the first time in a long time we have really stuck to our menu. It’s been paying off.”


“I so enjoy our sessions.  I could talk with you all day!!”


“I talk about you all the time. I was just telling a friend in Chicago about how amazing you are and all the help you have given me!”


“I am finding my groove now thanks to you!”


This was a life-changing experience. Cathy has been such a pleasure to partner with. She has truly helped me change my perspective on food and health and did it in such a respectful and caring way. I appreciate her thoughtfulness, care, expertise and everything she has done for me.”


“You motivated me to keep going.  I never felt like I was suffering, just giving my body what it really needs. It’s not just about a number, it’s how I feel. I appreciate you; you are a good one!”


“I am obsessed with Cathy – she is the BEST!! I can’t believe how much I didn’t know. I am so grateful to have her support!”


“Thank you so much Cathy! I wanted to let you know how much you have inspired me to be a healthier person, to be more thoughtful about my approach to consuming healthy foods and I really enjoyed our engaging conversations and your thoroughness and expertise in each of our coaching sessions!

I really appreciate the opportunity to learn from you and hope we can stay in touch!”
