by plantbased | Jun 10, 2024 | An Ounce Of Nutrition, HEALTHY, Meatless Monday, Plant Based Nutrition For Life, VEGAN, VEGAN RECIPES, VEGETARIAN RECIPES
Zucchini Rollatini with Quinoa and Chickpeas – Credit ForksOverKnives PREP-TIME: 30 MINUTES / READY IN: 1 HOUR, 10 MINUTES MAKES 20 TO 22 ROLLS These scrumptious zucchini rollatini are like bite-sized lasagnas that feature all the classic flavors of Italian...
by plantbased | May 21, 2024 | An Ounce Of Nutrition, BREAKFAST, Chocolate, HEALTHY, Meatless Monday, Plant Based Nutrition For Life, VEGAN, VEGAN RECIPES
Chocolaty Vegan Peanut Butter Smoothie Bowl This smoothie is so decadent and indulgent, you’d never guess it’s made with a secret vegetable ingredient. by CARA CARIN CIFELLI SERVES: 2 PRINT The combination of chocolate and peanut butter is a classic for a...
by plantbased | May 13, 2024 | HEALTHY, Lunch, Main Dish, Meatless Monday, PLANT BASED, Plant Based Nutrition For Life, VEGAN RECIPES
PREP-TIME: / READY IN: 1 HOUR, 30 MINUTES MAKES ONE (9×13-INCH) POT PIE A close friend of mine loves to eat my vegetable pot pie with mashed potatoes on top. This recipe is a great way to find out why. From The Forks Over Knives Plan By Del Sroufe ,Nov 16, 2015...
by plantbased | May 6, 2024 | Appetizer, BREAD, HEALTHY, Meatless Monday, PLANT BASED, Plant Based Nutrition For Life, VEGAN, VEGAN RECIPES
PREP-TIME: 15 MINUTES / READY IN: 50 MINUTES MAKES 8 CUPS The natural sugar content of campari tomatoes makes them perfect for roasting because they get deliciously soft and sweet the longer they bake. This easy bruschetta dish combines the juicy tomatoes with hearty...
by plantbased | Apr 29, 2024 | Uncategorized
RECIPE by Ashley Manila In her latest venture, Couric has teamed up with Robin Arzón, Peloton’s VP of Fitness Programming, to tackle the art of vegan baking. This collaboration unfolded in Couric’s kitchen, where the duo whipped up a batch of vegan chocolate...